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By Design Page 8

  “Shell….it’s not that simple.”

  “It is that simple,” Michelle said flatly. “What’s complicated?”

  “Jesus, Shell! For one thing, Jameson is only six years older than your sister! Think about that in twenty years,” Candace argued. Michelle pursed her lips in defiance. “Michelle,” Candace groaned. “My life is not ready made for…”

  “For what? For a relationship or for a relationship with J.D.?” Michelle interrupted her mother. “J.D. is old enough to make her own decisions. And, you deserve to be happy, Mom,” she said lovingly. Candace’s doubtful expression pained Michelle. She grabbed both her mother’s arms and looked in her eyes. “Stop making objections like this is a case to argue in the courtroom or on the Senate floor.”

  “Shell…I don’t even know if she wants to see me. I froze. I just….”

  Michelle smiled. “Do you love her?” she asked knowingly. Candace closed her eyes in resignation. “Oh, Mom.”

  “It’s Spencer’s first Christmas,” Candace said tacitly.

  “Yes, and you know that he will be here next year. Can you say the same thing about J.D.?” she asked. Candace could not answer. “Go. I’ll handle Marianne.”

  “When did you become so determined?”

  “I learned from the best,” Michelle said. Candace chuckled as Michelle embraced her. “I love you, Mom.”

  “I know you do. I love you too, Shell.”

  “So, go and do something for you; for once,” Michelle said. She could see her mother teetering on the edge. “If you can’t do it for you; do it for J.D.”


  “That must have been some kiss,” Michelle guessed. Candace nodded. Michelle picked up her mother’s phone and handed it to her. “So, are you calling the airlines, or should I?”


  Pearl stood at the sink keeping a close eye on Jameson. Jameson had met with the construction team earlier in the morning. She had been markedly quiet afterward. For the last hour, Pearl watched as the architect stared aimlessly at the same screen on her computer. Occasionally, she would lift her cell phone and look at it, sigh, and then put it back down. Pearl moved beside Jameson with the coffee pot, refilled the half empty mug that sat beside Jameson’s computer, and then collapsed into the chair that sat beside the younger woman’s. “Care to tell me what is going on with you?” she asked.

  Jameson shrugged. “Just tired.”

  Pearl directed Jameson to look at her. “Jameson, I raised two children, not to mention the horde that grew up in this house. I know that look.”

  “What look?”

  “That one. Candy sported the exact same expression for the entire week after Jinx ate that bird. Now, what is going on? Someone eat your canary?”

  Jameson laughed in spite of herself. “No.”

  “Look, your folks are away, my kids are away. If you are going to spend your time moping around here all through Christmas I will have to take some drastic measures.” Pearl pointed to a small paddle that hung on the wall. It was adorned with basically everyone’s name who had ever resided in the house. “So, what is it going to be? You gonna fess up, or am I gonna give you your right of passage?”

  “I’m an idiot,” Jameson said. Pearl was perplexed. “I didn’t know Candace was involved with anyone.”

  Pearl’s eyes flew open. “What on earth are you talking about?”

  Jameson shrugged sadly. “I just made a total ass of myself, that’s all.” Pearl looked at Jameson to explain. “I kissed her.”

  “Candy?” Pearl asked for clarification. Jameson nodded. “And, she told you she was involved with someone?”

  “No….” Pearl put up her hands in questioning. “No. She didn’t say anything at all.”

  “And, that made you think she was seeing someone?”


  “Jameson! What on earth are you talking about? Did she push you away?” Jameson shook her head. “What would give you the idea that Candy was involved with someone?”

  Jameson groaned. “I had to go back to get Dana’s bag. She was with that, well there was this gorgeous blonde that…”

  “Rachel,” Pearl rolled her eyes.

  “I don’t know. I just…they were close. I felt stupid. Of course, she would be…she just never said anything.”

  Pearl’s howl of laughter startled and confused Jameson. “I’m sorry, Jameson. Candy would no more be involved with Rachel Hutton than she would become a Republican,” she continued to laugh.

  “I don’t know…”

  “Oh, I do know. Look, it’s not my place….Rachel’s been after Candy for years,” Pearl said. Jameson looked at the older woman expectantly. Pearl sighed deeply. “One night, right after everything blew up with Jessica in the press; Candy had a few too many glasses of wine….Well, let’s just say as hard as Candy has tried to forget it, Rachel has never let her.”

  Jameson felt mixed emotions in the knowledge that Candace had been with the other woman. “How do you know…”

  “I know my Candy,” Pearl said assuredly. “Jameson….Look….I’m going to tell you something, and I want you to listen to me; okay?” Jameson nodded. “Candy is…well, there are always people pursuing her, some for the right reasons, most of them with little regard for who Candy really is. It’s always been that way, even before she was in office,” Pearl explained. Jameson smiled. Candace was a strikingly attractive woman. She was charming and intelligent, and she came from a well-connected family. It was easy for Jameson to comprehend anyone’s desire to be with the senator. Pearl continued. “She’s beautiful, she’s smart, she’s wealthy, she’s compassionate,” Pearl said.

  “Yes, she is,” Jameson agreed with the assessment.

  Pearl smiled. “Mm—hm. You see the real Candace, Jameson. Some people only see the senator now. They don’t see the parts of her that she has let you get to know. The mom, the daughter, the woman at the center.”

  “I’m not sure I follow,” Jameson admitted.

  “I know you love Candy,” Pearl said. Jameson made no comment. “I can’t speak for her and I won’t, but I’d bet this house that she held on tight when you laid that kiss on her.” Pearl saw Jameson’s lips turn into a small smile. “I told you, I know my Candy. If you hope to have any kind of relationship with her, you are going to have to accept the fact that there will always be people trying to win her away. And, you are going to have to trust her.”

  “Pearl, I don’t even know how she feels.”

  Pearl laughed. “Yes, you do. You wouldn’t have kissed her otherwise.” Jameson sighed again. “She’s not as complicated as she likes to think,” Pearl said. “Her life can be. To be truthful, that’s what happened with Jessica.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Jessica is not the witch Michelle and Marianne, and the press think she is. She cheated. That devastated Candy. I think Candy also knows Jessica loved her; even then.”

  “I can’t imagine cheating on a woman like Candace.”

  “No, I know you can’t. Jessica was always jealous of the attention Candy received. Candy can make you feel like a million bucks; like you are the only person in the world that exists when she is talking to you. That’s her job. And, she is sincere when she is with you, but it’s never meant as a slight to the people closest to her. Those few people in her personal life; they are Candy’s world. Jessica never understood that. She tried to compete when she never needed to. I think she wanted Candy to feel that; that fear.”

  “Now, I feel like a bigger idiot.”

  Pearl winked. “Love will do that,” she said. “Now, stop staring at that little box and call her.”


  “I could have gotten a cab,” Candace said to her son-in-law.

  Rick smiled. “I really can stand to miss this episode of The Sibling Wars,” he joked.

  “Sorry about that,” Candace said with a smirk.

  “Don’t be.”

  “I do feel badly about leaving,” Candace ad

  “Don’t,” Rick said as he pulled up to the curb. “I know Marianne comes on a little strong. She does love you.”

  “I know.”

  “We all do,” he said. Candace smiled. “She just worries. And, I think part of her worries about losing you.”

  “Losing me?” Candace asked in disbelief.

  “Yeah,” he said with a sideways grin. “I don’t think you realize how much your opinion means to her.”

  Candace was surprised. “She’s my daughter, Rick. I would do anything for her.”

  “Yeah, I know that. So does she, but she’s always trying to prove herself to you; you know?”

  “She doesn’t have to prove anything.”

  “You are a lot to live up to,” he said earnestly.

  Candace shook her head. “Not really.”

  Rick nodded. “You just don’t see it.”

  “You are the second person to say that to me recently.”

  “I’m betting the other is the reason you are getting on that plane,” he said. Candace smiled. “Sounds like a winner,” Rick said. “Shell is right, Mom,” he said. Candace was curious. “You deserve to be happy.”

  “I guess we’ll see,” Candace said.


  Candace took her seat on the plane. She took out her cell phone with the intention of calling Pearl to inform her of her impending arrival. She was surprised to see the missed call and voicemail notification. She wasn’t certain she was prepared to hear the message, but she thought at the very least it would prepare her for what she might be confronting soon.

  “Hey. It’s me. Guess you know that, though; huh?” Candace smiled at the sound of Jameson’s voice. “I don’t want to interrupt your visit with your family, so you don’t need to call back or anything. I just wanted to say Merry Christmas. I just…” Candace listened intently as Jameson’s voice trailed off. “Just, have a good holiday. I’ll try to get these birds on the wall before the New Year.” Candace laughed. “Oh, Jinx says hi and…well, I guess I should say….I miss you. Anyway, say hi to Shell. Merry Christmas, Candace.”

  Candace closed her eyes in relief. Maybe she would get the chance to tell Jameson the truth after all. She put her phone in airplane mode and stowed it in her bag. “A few hours,” she muttered.


  Pearl was in the kitchen fixing some lunch for her and Jameson. Jameson had headed into the study to do some work after their morning conversation. She had been secretive about the room, instructing the construction crew to leave that room for her personal attention. Pearl had peeked in unknowingly and immediately understood the reasons why. This was Candace’s favorite room. Jameson intended to honor that with care. Jameson had been on a ladder hanging familiar wallpaper when Pearl left to start on lunch. Pearl smiled as she put the bread away and went to set the sandwiches she had made on the table. She wondered if Candace had any idea how lucky she was to find someone like Jameson Reid.

  “Jinx!” Jameson yelled. A huge crash followed and Pearl dropped the sandwiches in her hand in a mad dash toward the sound.


  “Jameson,” Pearl called. “Jameson. Hang on, kiddo,” she said. She scurried to the front door. “In there,” she pointed to the study. She watched as the paramedics tended to the architect. “Oh, Jameson,” she sighed. She grabbed the phone in the hallway and dialed Candace. “Voicemail. Figures. Candy…listen, I am on my way to Mercy with Jameson. You need to call me on my cell phone as soon as you get this. I have to go.”


  Pearl paced in the emergency waiting room. She continually checked her phone. There was no answer from Candace. Finally giving into her frustration, she called Marianne.

  “Hello?” Michelle answered the phone.

  “Shell; is that you?” Pearl asked.

  “Yeah. Hey, Grandma Pearl!”

  “Shell, is your mother there?”

  “No. Didn’t she call you?” Michelle asked.

  “Call me? Why would she call me?”

  “She’s on her way home,” Michelle explained. “She should be home in an hour or so, I would think. Maybe sooner now.” Hearing the heavy sigh on the line Michelle became unnerved. “Why? What’s wrong?”

  “It’s Jameson,” Pearl said.

  “That’s why she’s coming home,” Michelle said. “To talk to J.D.”

  “No, Shell. I’m at the hospital with Jameson right now.”

  Marianne came down the stairs and caught the terrified expression on her sister’s face. “What’s wrong?” she asked her sister.

  Michelle shook her head. “Is Jameson okay?” Michelle asked Pearl.

  “I don’t know. I’ve been trying to call your mother for an hour. I can’t get any answers here.”

  “What happened?”

  “Mrs. Johnson?” a woman’s voice called to Pearl.


  “Can you come with me, please?” the nurse asked.

  Pearl nodded. “I have to go Shell.”

  “Wait! What about Jameson?”

  “I don’t know. If your mother calls tell her we are at Mercy. I have to go. I’ll call when I know anything,” she said and disconnected the call.

  Michelle hung up the phone and covered her mouth. Tears were beginning to fill her eyes. Marianne took the phone from her sister’s hand. “Shelley?”

  Michelle shook her head. “I don’t know,” she said. “Something happened to Jameson. Pearl is…she’s scared, Marianne; I could hear it.”

  “Grandma Pearl doesn’t get scared,” Marianne said.

  “I know,” Michelle said quietly.

  Marianne hugged her sister. “It’ll be okay, Shell.”

  “I hope so,” Michelle said. “I don’t think Mom could handle that.”

  “She really loves this woman,” Marianne said more to herself than to her sister.

  “Yeah. She really does.”


  Candace thanked the agent and slid into her rental car. She put her hands on the steering wheel and took a deep breath. She smiled, wondering if Jameson might be at the house. “I guess I really should call Pearl,” she said. She grabbed her phone and was stunned to see the number of missed calls. “What on earth?” Just as she was about to listen to the messages the phone rang.


  “Mom? Where are you?”

  “I just got into the rental car; why? What is going on?” Candace asked.

  “Mom,” Shell said as steadily as she could.

  “Michelle; what?”

  Michelle sighed nervously. “You need to go to Mercy.”

  “Mercy? Mercy Hospital? Why?”

  “Grandma Pearl is at…”

  “What happened to Pearl?” Candace asked fearfully.

  Michelle took a deep breath. “She’s fine, Mom….it’s…”

  “Why is she at Mercy?”

  “Mom!” Michelle called for her mother’s attention. “It’s not Grandma Pearl. She’s there with J.D.” Candace’s heart stopped. “Mom?” Michelle called. “Mom?”

  Marianne took the phone from her sister. “Mom,” Marianne’s voice came over the line.


  “Mom, calm down, okay? We don’t know anything, just that Grandma Pearl is at Mercy and wants you to meet her there,” Marianne said. Candace nodded dumbly on the other end of the phone. She felt suddenly paralyzed by fear. “Mom?” Marianne called. “Are you going to be all right to drive? I’ll call and have someone…”

  “No,” Candace snapped to attention. “No. I’m on my way. If Pearl calls tell her I will be there in about half an hour.”


  “Marianne, I’ll be fine.”

  “It will be all right,” Marianne said with genuine compassion.

  “I hope so.”

  “It will be. I still have to harass this woman,” she said. Candace smiled as best she could. “Call us when….”

  “I will.”


ace blew through the emergency room doors like a small tornado. She made her way to the desk, flushed and fearful. “I’m looking for Jameson Reid.”

  The desk attendant looked up. “Senator Fletcher,” he immediately recognized the woman.

  “Yes. Jameson Reid,” she said pointedly.

  He looked at the screen in front of him. “Room four,” he said. Candace was already moving forward when he stopped her. “You need this,” he said, handing her a visitor sticker with the room number on it. He pressed a button to open the automatic doors and the world slowed down for Candace. People were bustling through the hallway. She saw the room number ahead and willed her feet to keep moving.

  “Senator?” a woman’s voice called for her attention. Candace turned. “Your friend asked that I make sure you find the room.”

  Candace nodded. “Is she?”

  “Right in here,” the nurse said, pushing the door open.

  Pearl was standing in front of the bed and Candace could not immediately see Jameson. She stopped just inside the doorway as a wave of fear eclipsed her. Pearl turned and smiled. “Took you long enough,” she said. She moved aside and Candace finally saw Jameson.

  Jameson smiled as best she could. The relief that traveled through Candace instantly produced a steady stream of tears. She made her way to Jameson’s side and gently touched the architect’s cheek. Jameson had a bandage over her right eye and a sizable welt on her forehead. Her eye was several shades of green and blue. Candace tenderly traced the injuries, without any words.

  “I’m okay,” Jameson tried to reassure her. Candace’s tears fell more swiftly as she finally looked in Jameson’s bloodshot eyes. “Hey, people are going to think you like me or something,” Jameson tried to coax Candace to relax.

  Candace laughed through a sob. “I more than like you, you lunatic.”

  Jameson smiled and took hold of the hand that was continually stroking her cheek. “Spoken like a true politician,” she said. Candace continued to cry. “And, I love you too,” Jameson said.

  “Don’t you ever scare me like this again,” Candace warned the woman in the bed. Jameson kissed Candace’s forehead. “I love you,” Candace admitted hoarsely.

  “I know,” Jameson said, allowing Candace’s head to fall onto her shoulder. “But, it’s nice to hear you say it. So, now, use your clout and get me out of here.”